

Be WISE in supporting Inclusive Social Europe

Be WISE in supporting Inclusive Social Europe

Be WISE in supporting Inclusive Social Europe (Be WISE +)  is an ENSIE project in the framework of the ESF+ operating grants 2022 to support EU level social NGO networks. It will be implemented until 2025 by ENSIE, with the support of its members. 

ENSIE has for its objective the maintenance, representation and development of networks and federations of Work Integration Social  Enterprises (WISEs) within Europe. WISEs are efficient tools for the social and professional integration of vulnerable groups creating quality work environments, providing upskilling and reskilling opportunities to adapt to the twin transition. They are also strong actors in combatting inequalities and reducing poverty.
ENSIE and its members are also strong and efficient implementation actors of the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) and its Action Plan in their daily activities. The upcoming Social Economy Action Plan will also be the guiding element of the ENSIE activities and actions. At the EU level, ENSIE will continue working with the European Commission, its relevant directorates and expert groups. ENSIE will also continue to work with the European Council in the framework of the EU Presidencies and on the European Parliament’s elections and its policy work.
At national level, ENSIE will continue to support and cooperate with its members in the implementation of the main political EU driven processes and their promotion. ENSIE and its members will stay active in the European Semester process and from now on in the application of the recovery and resilience plans. In some European countries, ENSIE and its members will contribute to national social and employment policies, targeted to vulnerable groups; in some others, where WISEs are less developed and supported, ENSIE will work on the construction of a legislative framework adapted to WISEs.
ENSIE will also continue to produce and provide data base evidence of the social and economic impact of WISEs and develop its WISEs and its socially responsible public procurement online databases. ENSIE wants to voice WISEs workers and their concerns in order to maintain the focus on vulnerable people through its annual campaigns on WISEs managers and workers ones. 

Here are the objectives of this project : 

  • Ensure the implementation of the EPSR and the Social Economy Action plans. 
  • Work with the European Commission, its relevant directorates and expert groups as well as with the European Parliament and the EU Council, especially in the framework of EU presidencies. 
  • Support and cooperate with ENSIE's members for the implementation of the main political EU-driven processes and their promotion. 
  • Follow, in collaboration with ENSIE members, the European Semester process and the application of the recovery and resilience plans. 
  • Contribute to the improvement of national social and employment policies targeted to vulnerable groups in some countries. In other countries, where WISEs are lesse developed and supported, ENSIE will work on the construction of a legislative framework adapted to WISEs. 
  • Produce database evidence of the social and economic impact of WISEs and develop its WISEs and Socially Responsible Public Procurement Databases. 
  • Voice WISEs workers needs and concerns through annual campaign. 

Grant agreement number 2022: 10105932

Grant agreement number 2023: 101101934

Grant agreement number 2024: 101145575

During the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting that was held in San Sebastian on the 14th November 2023, ENSIE presented a campaign focused on the testimonies of the people working in WISEs. The campaign collected 12 testimonies from 7 different countries, being presented to an audience with more than 50 people listening.


The ENSIE Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting hosted in San Sebastian on the 14th of November 2023 shed light on critical challenges and ongoing initiatives within the social enterprise sector. The meeting tackled multifaceted issues ranging from economic hardships in Ukraine to strategic planning for sustainable growth. Find more



ENSIE celebrated today in Turin (Italy) its General Assembly on 26th of May 2023. Members echanged about the situation of Work Integration Social Enterprises in Europe and the next steps of the network 


On 17th of November 2022, ENSIE hosted its Extra General Assembly in Brussels gathering all its members. Members echanged about the network and its next steps, and the activities carried out. Furthermore, they welcomed ENSIE's new member from Sweden Skoopi. ENSIE’s priorities & strategic objectives 2021-2024 were approved by members as well. Furthermore, on 18th of November ENSIE WISE Manager Award Ceremony took place.


On 9th of June 2022, ENSIE and its members met in Katowice (Poland) for the General Assembly. Discussions about the situation of social economy and WISEs in different countries, initiatives to develop the sectors, challenges they face and support they need were among the topics addressed. 



On February 18th 2022, ENSIE Board of Directors met online to discuss various topics linked to ENSIE latest news. They also discussed in depth about ENSIE reaciton to the SEAP and its position for the Transition Pathways consultation for the Social and Proximity Economy sector. 

Project opportunities



Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.