The representation of the Work Integration Social Enterprises' interests at the EU level

One of ENSIE's core mission is representing the Work Integration Social Enterprises' interests at the European level.

ENSIE is member of six EU expert groups: 

•    GECES – the European Commission (EC) expert group on social economy and social enterprises 
•    EC Dialogue with Common Provision Regulation partners 2021-2027 
•    European Community of Practice on Partnership 2021-2027 
•    High-level expert group Fit for Future 
•    Just Transition Platform Working Group Equal Opportunities
•    Advisory Group of the European Solidarity Corps Resource Centre

Moreover, ENSIE participates in other fora in European Institutions:

•   Social Economy Intergroup of the European Parliament 
•   Focus group on Pact for Skills (proximity and social economy)

•   Youth Entrepreneurship Policy Academy (YEPA)

To be stronger and increase our impact at the EU level, ENSIE also cooperates with broader civil society networks in the domains of social economy and social policy, holding the vice-presidency of Social Economy Europe and being an active member of Social Platform

Social platform

The largest platform of European rights and value-based NGOs working in the social sector. Social Platform aims to promote social justice, equality and participatory democracy by voicing the concerns of member organisations.

Social Platform website is here! 

Social Economy Europe

Social Economy Europe is the EU-level representative institution for the social economy and aims to promote the social and economic input of the social economy enterprises and organisations, to promote the role and values of social economy actors in Europe and to reinforce the political and legal recognition of the social economy and of cooperatives, mutual societies, associations and foundations at EU level.

Patrizia Bussi, Director of ENSIE is Vice-President of Social Economy Europe since 2018. 

All the information about Social Economy Europe are available here. 



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