



JustGreen is a COSME project which aims to develop strategies to ensure the Social economy is part of the green transition. 

Project description

The JustGreen project is a COSME project with aims to support the green transition of social economy organisations. 

The project has three key objectives : 

  1. bridge social economy and circular economy;
  2. promote decarbonisation of the social economy;
  3. foster short food supply chains and agroecology.

Those objectives are completed with a transversal one : fostering social entrerpreneurship by targeting work integation of vulnerable groups and unmet social needs. 

The project gathers five partners : 

  • Municipio de Vila Nova de Familicao (Portugal)
  • Comune di Mozzo (Italy)
  • Budapest VI. kerulet Teresvaros Onkormanyzata (Hungary)
  • ENSIE (Belgium)
  • Gmina Swietochlowice (Poland)


It is funded under the call COS-SEM-2020-4-01 from February 2021 until January 2022. 

The total budget of the project € 96.123. 

Guidelines for municipalities

In the framework of the JustGreen project, ENSIE, with the support of all the partner prepared "Guidelines for municipalities" in which are developed policy examples and suggestions of what local authorities can do to support the green transition of their local social economy ecosystem. From public procurement to organisational and financial support, citizen dialogue or the development of labels, you will find multiple ideas to develop local policies. 


Guidelines for municipalities Download

4th project newsletter


JustGreen Newsletter n°4_French Download
JustGreen Newsletter n°4_English Download
JustGreen Newsletter n°4_Polish Download
JustGreen Newsletter n°4_Hungarian Download
JustGreen Newsletter n°4_Italian Download
JustgGreen Newsletter n°4_Portugese Download

3rd project newsletter


JustGreen Newsletter n°3_French Download
JustGreen Newsletter n°3_English Download
JustGreen Newsletter n°3_Hungarian Download
JustGreen Newsletter n°3_Italian Download
JustGreen Newsletter n°3_Polish Download
JustGreen Newsletter n°3_Portugese Download

2nd project newsletter


JustGreen Newsletter n°2_French Download
JustGreen Newsletter n°2_English Download

Project's third workshop

All the partners were finally able to meet in Comune di Mozzo, Italy, from November 17 to November 20 for the third project meeting which had a focus on "Short Food Supply Chains". 

Project's second workshop

The partners met online at the end of September for the second workshop, this time focused on decarbonisation. On the programme : a guest lecture on what is decarbonisation with Ryszard Marszowski from the GIG Research Institute in Katowice; various virtual visits of social enterprises, group exercises, good practices exchanges and the thrid session of the working groups. 

1st project newsletter


JustGreen Newsletter n°1 - French Download
JustGreen Newsletter n°1 - English Download
JustGreen Newsletter n°1 - Italian Download
JustGreen Newsletter n°1 - Hungarian Download

JustGreen project's first Workshop

Between the 14th and the 18th June, the JustGreen project held its first workshop. It was a great opportunity to meet each other and to start exchanging about circular economy and the social economy sector. 

During the week, many good practices have been presented from all the countries of the partnership, with a spcial focus on the social economy organisation working for the green transition in the region of Municipio de Vila Nova de Familicao. 

Project opportunities



Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.