


Buying for Social Impact (BSI) is a project commissioned by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) and the European Commission Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) to promote the use of social considerations in public procurement procedures.

Buying for Social Impact (BSI) is a project commissioned by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) and the European Commission Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) to promote the use of social considerations in public procurement procedures. Our objectives are:

  • To encourage contracting authorities to use public procurement to pursue social goals;

  • To Increase the capacity of social economy enterprises to take part in public procurement procedures and to access new markets.


The BSI project will produce several documents concerning each of the 15 countries targeted in the project (Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Sweden) :

  • Desk studies on how the new public procurement directive has been transposed at national level,

  • Identification of good practices showcasing how the social aspects of the directive can be implemented in practice (more information here),

  • A mapping of the capacity of social economy enterprises in accessing markets.

There will then be awareness raising and training events organised in each country.

Each partner is responsible to organise 3 events, ENSIE is in charge of The Netherlands, Romania and Hungary.



Project duration : 18 months starting 05/07/2018


BSI Leaflet Download

Deliverables of the project

The European Commission published a Brochure on the project as well as a Report presenting 22 examples of good practices, in the area of socially responsible public procurement.

ENSIEs partners organised 16 other events in 16 European countries and they produced the mapping and the matrix analysis for each of those countries as well as at the EU level. You’ll find here the Booklet with the presentations of each event as well as the Mapping and Matrix.


26th of February - Italy - Booklet Download
26th of February - Italy - Mapping Download
26th of February - Italy - Matrix Download
14th of March - Poland - Booklet Download
14th of March - Poland - Mapping Download
14th of March - Poland - Matrix Download
29th April - Sweden - Booklet Download
29th April - Sweden - Mapping Download
29th April - Sweden - Matrix Download
20th May - France - Booklet Download
20th May - France - Mapping Download
20th May - France - Matrix Download
6th June - Czech Republic - Booklet Download
6th June - Czech Republic - Mapping Download
6th June - Czech Republic - Matrix Download
13th June - The Netherlands - Mapping Download
13th June - The Netherlands - Matrix Download
5th September - Ireland - Booklet Download
5th September - Ireland - Mapping Download
5th September - Ireland - Matrix Download
7th September - Romania - Mapping Download
7th September - Romania - Matrix Download
12th September - Croatia - Mapping Download
12th September - Croatia - Matrix Download
2nd October - Latvia - Mapping Download
2nd October - Latvia - Matrix Download
4th October - Greece - Mapping Download


The Final conference of the project, organized by AEIDL, took place on November 18th at the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels!

You’ll find here the booklet with the presentations made during this event.

You’ll find here the Press Release.


On the 16th October, ENSIE, together with Hétfa Research Institute, Galileo Progetti and the Public Procurement Authority organised its third event in Budapest, Hungary. The theme of the event was: “Using social considerations in Hungarian public procurement “

You can find the presentations of the day here.

You can find our matrix on the implementation of the EU directive in Hungarian law here , and our map fo the ESS ecosystem and their access to public procurement contracts, you can find the analysis, here.


On the 27th of september, ENSIE and RISE Romania organsied the Second Buying for Social Impact conference in Bucharest, Romania.

They talked about the “Concrete Opportunities to Acquiring Social Value in and through Public Procurement - Between Law and Praxis”.

You’ll find all the presentations and the pictures from the day here.

The mapping of the ecosystem in which social economy enterprises operate, including access to public procurement contracts, in Romania is here. And the Matrix explaining how social considerations have been embedded in the Romanian law transposing Directive 24/2014/EU is here.


In the framework of the conferences cylce, the first event, organised by ENSIE, took place in Netherlands on June, 13th. It focused on the promotion of social considerations and relations with the third sector in Public Procurement. This event has been organised in partnership with de omslag.

You can find the booklet with all the conference presentations here (NL).

The mapping of the the ecosystem in which social economy enterprises operate, including access to public procurement contracts, in The Netherlands is here. And the Matrix explaining how social considerations have been embedded in the Dutch law transposing Directive 24/2014/EU is here.


ENSIE is proud to be part of the recently launched Buying for Social Impact project, commissioned by EASME and DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, which aims to encourage contracting authorities to use Public Procurement to pursue social goals.

The Buying for Social Impact project will help promote social considerations in Public Procurement procedures for Social Economy enterprises in 15 Member States. Buying for Social Impact project aims to foster Socially Responsible Public Procurement in the EU. Events in 15 Member States will be organised to increase the capacity of Social Economy enterprises to take part in public procurement procedures.

Project opportunities



Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.