Second Webinar on “ WISEs Contribution to the Green Priorities of the EU”


On the 11th December 2019, the European Commission presented the European Green Deal, the European new growth strategy that has as ambition for the EU to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. 

The European Green Deal provides a roadmap with actions to boost the efficient use of resources by moving to a clean, circular economy and to restore biodiversity and cut pollution. It outlines investments needed and financing tools available, and explains how to ensure a just and inclusive transition.

The aim of this webinar is to better understand the European Green Deal but also the European “green” framework in general and the role of WISEs. ENSIE will also share with you its positions on the European initiatives related to this topic. Finally, this webinar will present good practices of WISEs that do contribute to the EU green priorities.

Plan of the session:  

1.       The European framework: The European Green Deal
2.       WISEs & the European “green” framework
3.       WISEs contribution to the EU Green priorities: good practices
4.       Q&A session

Second Webinaire sur “La contribution des ESI aux priorités vertes de l’UE”

Ce webinaire aura lieu le mardi 26 mai de 15h30 à 16h30 en français et de 14h à 15h en anglais.

Résumé de présentation :

Le 11 décembre 2019, la Commission européenne a présenté le Pacte vert pour l’Europe, la nouvelle stratégie de croissance européenne qui a pour ambition de faire de l'UE le premier continent climatiquement neutre d'ici 2050.

Le Pacte vert pour l’Europe fournit une feuille de route avec des actions pour stimuler l'utilisation efficace des ressources en passant à une économie propre et circulaire et pour restaurer la biodiversité et réduire la pollution. Il décrit les investissements nécessaires et les outils de financement disponibles et explique comment assurer une transition juste et inclusive.

Le but de ce webinaire est de mieux comprendre le Pacte vert pour l’Europe mais également le cadre «vert» européen en général et le rôle des Entreprises Sociales d’Insertion (ESI). ENSIE partagera également avec vous ses positions sur les initiatives européennes liées à ce sujet. Finalement, ce webinaire présentera les bonnes pratiques des ESI qui contribuent aux priorités vertes de l'UE.

Plan de la session :

1.       Le cadre européen : le Pacte vert pour l’Europe
2.       Les ESI et le cadre « vert » européen
3.       Contribution des ESI aux priorités vertes de l’UE : bonnes pratiques
4.       Séance de questions et réponses

Past Events

BEE Conference - Bordeaux European Exchanges, for committed public purchases Open to public 27/06/2024
Webinar: European semester’s upcoming Spring package For members only 08/05/2024
WISEs4Youth project conference on "Support policies towards youth social entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans and beyond" Open to public 19/03/2024
B-WISE Sectoral skills strategy roadmap & ALMA initiative / Feuille de route de la stratégie sectorielle en matière de compétences B-WISE et initiative ALMA For members only 15/02/2024
ENSIE webinar on Horizon Europe and Interreg Open to public 14/12/2023
ENSIE projects day For members only 06/12/2023
Social Platform capacity-building session on the European Semester process 06/12/2023
ENSIE Extraordinary General Assembly meeting For members only 14/11/2023
European Seminar on Social Impact Measurement Practices Open to public 14/11/2023
Net-Works webinar on capacity-building of networks For members only 26/10/2023
Over the Line: Social Platform’s Annual conference 25/10/2023
Net-Works webinar on cooperation and financial sustainability of networks For members only 18/10/2023
The third sectoral workshop For members only 17/10/2023
Good practices for public employment of people with disabilities Open to public 04/10/2023
Second sectoral workshops helpdesk: work integration For members only 25/09/2023
IV European Congress Against Poverty and Social Exclusion Open to public 20/09/2023
ENSIE Policy Breakfast: The role of WISEs & EPSR principle 14 - minimum income For members only 29/06/2023
ENSIE Policy Breakfast: EU support policy tools and funds for Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership social entrepreneurship and inclusion For members only 22/06/2023
ENSIE's General Assembly in Turin For members only 24/05/2023
Peer learning event: Social Enterpreneurship as a Driver of Inclusive Growth for Youth: Exchanging Good Practices and Strengthening Local Support Project events 18/05/2023
TRAINING - How to apply to European projects? 15/12/2022
Being a WISE in 2022! Open to public 18/11/2022
Launch of the Impact-WISE Study Open to public 17/11/2022
WISEs as a tool for the development of local youth entrepreneurship 12/10/2022
The role of WISEs in the circular economy Open to public 04/10/2022
WISEs as a tool for the development of local youth entrepreneurship Open to public 12/07/2022
What skills are needed to build a (WISEs) network? 18/05/2022
Key stakeholders in the social economy sector at the Enterprising for Tomorrow conference organized by ADV Romania Organized by others 13/05/2022
Social Economy, the Future of Europe! Open to public 05/05/2022
The attractiveness of the social entrepreneurship for young people : innovative & inclusive way to do business Open to public 11/02/2022
An employers' perspective on inclusive recruitment Open to public 16/11/2021
ENSIE Policy Breakfast - The European Semester & the Recovery and Resilience Plans: are the social & circular economies well addressed? Open to public 26/10/2021
Digital skills for the Work Integration Social Enterprises of tomorrow Open to public 14/10/2021
Clean and resilient cities and a social economy for a green and just transition Open to public 12/10/2021
Helpdesk on ERDF & Interreg Open to public 30/09/2021
Supporting inclusive labour markets ? #WISEs #BuyResponsible Open to public 21/09/2021
Webinar on Tips for successful EU proposals writing 29/03/2021
Sixth Webinar on Tips for successful EU proposals and writing For members only 21/12/2020
WISEs bridging Europe’s basic skills gap Open to public 12/11/2020
Successful Policies for Social Entrepreneurship Open to public 29/10/2020
EU Greenweek webinar on : “Social Agriculture, WISEs and the preservation of Biodiversity” 21/10/2020
Inclusion of Young People: EU policies & WISEs contribution 28/09/2020
Fifth webinar on the European Pillar of Social Rights For members only 15/09/2020
WISEs contribution to the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights principles 15/09/2020
Fourth Webinar on ENSIE work programme for 2021 For members only 22/07/2020
Webinar with Galileo Progetti and Tavosz on “Social Economy and Social enterprises as a tool to work and social inclusion – Social enterprise and EU in times of crisis” 08/07/2020
Third Webinar on WISEs and gender 04/06/2020
Second Webinar on “ WISEs Contribution to the Green Priorities of the EU” 26/05/2020
First webinar on “COVID-19, WISEs and EU Measures” 19/05/2020
Social Impact Measurement and the Impact of COVID-19 on WISEs: Testimonies from around Europe 22/10/2019


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.