Net-works project meeting in Turin

Project - 24-05-2023

On Wednesday, 23th and Thursday 24th of May 2023 Net-works project partners met in Turin for the fifth project meeting. During the first day, partners exchanged on the latest developments of the project, reviewing recently finished meetings with experts, the Guidebook on external communication and the final translation of the MOOC, and discussed next steps of the project regarding deliverables 5.2.1 Sustainability roadmap with policy recommendations and 5.3 Long Term Action Plan.  

Partners agreed that is necessary to have a common framework to define what social economy or Work Integration Social Enterprises are, so then the identity of the network may be clearer. Awareness raising and recognition; in this regard, are crucial for networks.

Furthermore, partners echanged about financial management and reporting, communication and exploitation of the project, and the evaluation of activities of the project. 

During the second day of the meeting, a roundtable co-organised with Consorzio Sociale Abele Lavoro in the framework of the event "Work Integration Social Enterprises: a European perspective took place. 

The final meeting of the project will take place on 12-13th October in Porto.